
We could have a Facebook (FB) page, protected from outsiders as well if desired.

The old one at is found here, and was last used in 2014. We could develop our own version.

The old site has some interesting pictures of development of the building and original furnishings.

With a new FB group page we could,

  • By adding security, requiring members to be approved by an administrator(s) before they can post, then items would be secure from the public and limited to residents who sign wish to use it.
  • Tickets for events could be made available using FB.
  • In addition
    • People could post day to day occurrences or difficulties. Shaw had a problem recently that was not solved as individuals called for assistance. If people had posted on FB, it would have been identified as a building problem that we could have told Shaw about and they could have fixed the exterior problem much more quickly.
    • Someone bought too much (whatever) and is willing to give some away.
    • Are you coming for coffee today?
    • Is anyone going to the mall today?
    • Did anyone see the moose that visited today?
      • Here are pictures of the moose.
  • FB MESSAGE capability allows you to send private messages to individuals in the group, so if you phoned someone and they are not home and do not have an answering machine, they could see a message on their return.
  • “Can someone help me with,”
    • I need to move some furniture, could someone help me?
    • I need to borrow a ….?
    • I have a computer question.
    • I have extra tickets for the Rebels, xxx concert, etc.
    • I need help with…, does anyone know how … works?

If you have any comments or ideas, please let me know at my email address or by calling 403-314-0231