Welcome to our Site

After a discussion with the board members, it has been suggested that the Social Committee might find a website useful so that people can find out about happenings in the condo without having to return to the posters in the complex.

Some reasons for a website might include,

  • Social committee announcements.
  • Information that is currently put in the elevators and other places. I find when I see a notice in the elevator, that by the time I get back to my unit that I forget the time, date an other information!
  • Sign-up sheets for things like,
    • Courtyard cleanup, Christmas decorating, spring cleanup.
    • Grey Cup pool.
  • Ability to purchase tickets sold by the social committee. Currently people are limited to specific days and times, which may not be convenient to all residents.
  • Fire procedures, reactions, routes, those with mobility issues information.

Therefore we have this demonstration site and are looking for your input as to whether you think it would be useful.

If you have any comments or ideas, please let me know at my email address or by calling 403-314-0231